Assistive learning technologies have a long history in aiding all of us in academic spaces. However, with the recent development of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), the ways in which technology helps us are changing. Specifically, these new technologies are impacting how we produce writing. The following information will provide some initial advice for how to interact […]
Maintaining academic integrity as an instructor involves understanding how it impacts your class and the university as a whole. Avoiding plagiarism is one crucial way to uphold academic integrity and help guide students toward success in and beyond your course. What is plagiarism? According to UIUC’s Student Code, plagiarism is one type of academic integrity […]
Why Include Peer Review in Your Course? Writers need feedback on their writing in order to improve. While instructor feedback is valuable, asking students to respond to each other’s writing provides additional opportunities for before-the-deadline feedback without increasing the instructor’s workload. There are other benefits to peer review, as well: Peer review fosters students’ awareness […]
On this Page: What IS a Thesis or Dissertation? Staying on Track With: Research, Organization, & Prewriting Staying on Track With: Drafting, Feedback, & Revision Managing long-term projects like theses and dissertations can feel daunting, particularly as graduate students are often working to complete these culminating projects while also juggling teaching, research, and applying for […]
Whenever you’re using information from sources via quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, you’ll want to cite your sources. Our University Library has an excellent LibGuide on citing sources that contains a range of information, including choosing a citation style, citation manager options, and writing annotated bibliographies. The Purdue OWL contains useful information on how to cite your sources in […]
Throughout college, you will receive many different kinds of writing prompts for various courses. How do you go about understanding a writing prompt from an instructor? Read the assignment carefully all the way through. Underline key terms that jump out to you. You should make note of vocabulary that you recognize from course readings and […]